by Science
We rely on available official data, scientific research, and expert recommendations.
and Holistically
We assess meals both individually and in the context of an entire diet.
Continuous Improvement
We continually enhance our methods and procedures based on current operational capabilities.
What We Consider

Our Approach to Additives (“E-numbers”)
We monitor and regulate the use of additives for healthier choices.
Nutri-Score and Its Importance
We limit the selection of foods with low nutritional ratings to ensure quality nutrition.

Not All Additives Are Equal
Additives often have a poor reputation, even though many, like vitamin C (E300), are harmless substances. At Komfi, we only use approved and safe additives while adhering to stricter self-imposed rules for maximum caution.
Additives in Our Foods
Each meal contains a maximum of five additives. This limit ensures that various combinations do not accumulate throughout the day, which could be less suitable.
Type Limits
We carefully select the additives we use. Most are from safer categories (1–4), and we allow a maximum of one from category 5 per meal.
A European Indicator of Nutritional Quality
The vast majority of our meals fall within this Nutri-Score range.
D < 15%
Less healthy options have their place, so foods with a Nutri-Score of D make up no more than 15% of our assortment.
Meals with a Nutri-Score of E are not available at Komfi.
When less is more
Excessive consumption of sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats significantly contributes to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and hypertension. In the Czech Republic, average salt intake exceeds the recommended daily limit by more than double, putting a strain on public health. Reducing these substances is key to disease prevention and supporting long-term health.
Meal Planning According
to EFSA Recommendations
Expertise You Can Trust

A balanced and properly tailored diet, developed in collaboration with a qualified nutrition expert, is the foundation for preventing malnutrition and sarcopenia in older adults.
Professional competence is a cornerstone for Komfi. Our specialist holds the most relevant education in nutrition and boasts extensive practical experience. She focuses on improving nutrition care not only at Komfi but also in other settings. The combination of expertise, experience, and innovative approaches makes Komfi unique in its category.
As of 2023, she is a graduate of the doctoral program Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology to 1. LF UK, with a project aimed at preventing geriatric frailty and sarcopenia.
She graduated from the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in the field of Nutritional Therapist (Bc. 2013), Nutrition Specialist summa cum laude (Mgr. 2017).
She graduated from the Faculty of Agrobiology of Food and Natural Resources of the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, majoring in Nutrition and food (Ing. 2015).
She created two national standards of nutritional care in geriatrics and initiated collaborations between professional non-medical and medical societies.
It focuses on research in the field of nutrition in geriatrics, Preventive and palliative dietetics and nutritional biochemistryat European and global level.
Works as Nutritional Therapist at the Geriatric Clinic and Early Rehabilitation Beds of the Stroke Center of the General University Hospital in Prague (VFN) and 1. LF UK and since 2017 also vicariously at the Neurological Clinic VFN and 1. LF UK.
In 2015 at the clinic established the Nutrition Care Ambulance and is still leading it.
She is involved in patient care Outpatient wound healing of the Geriatric Clinic VFN and 1. LF UK.
She acted as lecturer in non-medical fields of study and as of 2018 it is Assistant to the Head of Teaching in the field of nutrition in geriatrics and gerontology.
She is a founding member and member of the Executive Committee Czech Association of Nutritional Therapists, z. s., as of 2018.